On 2019-09-05 02:41, Niclas Zeising wrote:

> mount -t msdosfs /dev/ada0p1 /mnt # (if that's the ESP, check with gpart
> list)
> cp /boot/loader.efi /mnt/EFI/FreeBSD/loader.efi
> umount /mnt
> This works if proper EFI boot variables have been set up.  This can be
> done with, it's only needed the first time, or if they are somehow
> overwritten.
> efibootmgr --create --activate --label FreeBSD --loader
> /dev/ada0p1:/EFI/FreeBSD/loader.efi
> Once again, check that /dev/ada0p1 is the ESP.
> You can check your efi boot variables with efibootmgr -v

Or, if you prefer not to rely on EFI boot variables (for example, Linux
GRUB EFI updates seem to reset them, deleting the FreeBSD entries), you
can also copy loader.efi into /mnt/EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.efi (replace
BOOTx64.efi with BOOTarm.efi for ARM, and BOOTaa64.efi for AARCH64).

EFI\BOOT\BOOTx64.efi is the default place where UEFI system firmware
looks to run a bootloader from, given no EFI boot variables. I think
it's only supposed to be for removable media, but I've not come across
any that differentiate between fixed and removable.

Rebecca Cran

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