On 15 Nov 2020, at 19:10, Brandon Bergren <bdra...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On powerpc64 and powerpc64le, there is some really weird behavior happening 
> around the sysctl itself:
> root@crow:~ # pkg
> The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
> Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: N
> root@crow:~ # sysctl user.localbase
> user.localbase: /usr/local
> root@crow:~ # pkg
> The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
> Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: N
> root@crow:~ # sysctl user.localbase=/usr/local
> user.localbase: /usr/local -> /usr/local
> root@crow:~ # pkg
> pkg: not enough arguments
> Usage: pkg [-v] [-d] [-l] [-N] [-j <jail name or id>|-c <chroot path>|-r 
> <rootdir>] [-C <configuration file>] [-R <repo config dir>] [-o var=value] 
> [-4|-6] <command> [<args>]
> For more information on available commands and options see 'pkg help'.
> root@crow:~ # 
> I would double check very closely that the sysctl is being called correctly, 
> the sysctl tool manages to read it out, but libutil does not.

That's odd. What does truss say?


> On Sun, Nov 15, 2020, at 1:06 PM, Scott Long wrote:
>>> On Nov 15, 2020, at 12:01 PM, Jessica Clarke <jrt...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>>> I felt similar concerns, but my misunderstanding of strlcpy() drove the
>>>> result.  Since the use case for getlocalbase() lends itself to also use
>>>> strlcat()/strlcpy(), I was trying to replicate the API semantics of those,
>>>> at least to the limit of my understanding.  Thanks for the feedback, I’ll
>>>> look at it some more.
>>> Thanks. ENOMEM also feels inappropriate as no allocation is taking
>>> place. Perhaps ENAMETOOLONG, which is used in similar cases for things
>>> like gethostbyname? Though sysctlbyname uses ENOMEM instead... sigh.
>> Yep, I wasn’t happy with ENOMEM either but I couldn’t find anything better.
>>> Also, if pathlen has already been checked against SSIZE_MAX (giving
>>> EINVAL) and tmplen against pathlen there's no need to then check tmplen
>>> against SSIZE_MAX.
>> Done.
>>> I'd be happy to give a review on Phabricator if/when you have a new
>>> patch.
>> https://reviews.freebsd.org/D27227
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
> -- 
>  Brandon Bergren
>  bdra...@freebsd.org

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