> On Sep 26, 2020, at 1:22 PM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
> I am the wrong person to answer that question.
> In this case, things have not become lame.  For instance, the names 
> ervers for se.freebsd.org work fine, but ftp3.se and ftp6.se records are 
> removed.  Same for ru.freebsd.org and ftp4.ru.
> I'm merely pointing out that changing ftp.CC.freebsd.org usually 
> requires contacting the person(s) maintaining the CC.freebsd.org zone, 
> which is usually not the project.
> It's usually people associated with the project in some way, but who might 
> not be as responsive as cluster admin. These domains have been delegated, so 
> we have to get the delegated admin to make the changes, which can take a bit 
> of time to chase down and doesn't lend itself to easy / automated coping with 
> this situation.

Just a spitball idea here, but maybe we should consider not embedding these 
lists of mirror URLs into the binaries.  It seems pretty straight-forward that 
the list evolves over time, and that evolution is not tightly coupled with the 
updating of the binaries.  It sounds like the pkg and freebsd-update 
infrastructure use DNS TXT and/or SRV records to point to the metadata needed 
to construct a mirror URL list dynamically.  Maybe something similar can be 
done for bsdconfig?  If it’s not a crazy idea, is there anyone who would be 
interested in helping me write a proposal over at arch@?


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