On 22 Nov 2011, at 20:27, David Schultz wrote:

> Benchmark or not, I think you'll have a very hard time finding a
> single real program that routinely calls strcasecmp() with
> identical pointers!

I've seen this pattern very often.  Often the linker is able to combine 
constant strings defined in different compilation units.  With link-time 
optimisation, there are also more opportunities for the compiler to do this.  

A fairly common pattern is to define constant strings as macros in a header and 
then use them as keys in a dictionary, first hashed and then compared with 
strcmp().  In this case, the == check is a significant win.  I've had to work 
around the fact that FreeBSD's libc is significantly slower than GNU libc in 
this instance by adding an extra == outside of strcmp() - this increases the 
size of the code everywhere this pattern is used, increasing cache usage, and 
lowering overall performance (and good luck coming up with a microbenchmark 
that demonstrates that - although I'd be happy to provide you with a 
Google-authord paper from a couple of years ago explaining why it's so hard to 
benchmark accurately on modern machines...).

It's also worth noting that the cost of the extra branch is more or less 
trivial, as every single character in the input strings will also need to be 
compared.  This change turns a linear complexity case into a constant 
complexity case, so it's a clear algorithmic improvement for a case that, while 
rare, is not as improbable as you seem to suppose.

As to the | vs || issue - by all means change it to || if it fits better with 
the FreeBSD style.  In the general case I prefer to use | to hint to the 
compiler and readers of the code that short-circuit evaluation is not required 
and to remove a sequence point and make life easier for the optimiser.  In this 
case, the two are equivalent so it's just a hint to the reader, and apparently 
(judging by the responses so far) one that is not well understood.

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