On 12/3/11 3:58 PM, Mikolaj Golub wrote:

On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:30:11 -0500 John Baldwin wrote:

  JB>  On Thursday, November 24, 2011 3:54:06 pm Mikolaj Golub wrote:
  >>  Author: trociny
  >>  Date: Thu Nov 24 20:54:06 2011
  >>  New Revision: 227956
  >>  URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/227956
  >>  Log:
  >>    usr.bin/procstat
  >>    Add -l flag to display resource limits.
  >>    PR:                bin/161257
  >>    Reviewed by:        kib
  >>    MFC after:        2 weeks

  JB>  Thanks for doing this!  Did you consider making the procstat -l output 
  JB>  "pretty" output similar to the output of /usr/bin/limits?  For example,
  JB>  using "infinity" instead of -1 and using humanize_number() for finite 
  JB>  that are in units of bytes?

I tried several variants, from one where for rlimit names rlimit_ident
constants from sys/resource.h are used and units are printed as suffixes:

   PID COMM             RLIMIT         SOFT       HARD
46150 zsh              cpu         100000S   infinity
46150 zsh              fsize      infinity   infinity
46150 zsh              data       524288kB   524288kB
46150 zsh              stack       65536kB    65536kB
46150 zsh              core      9765625kB  9765625kB
46150 zsh              rss        infinity   infinity
46150 zsh              memlock    infinity   infinity
46150 zsh              nproc          5547       5547
46150 zsh              nofile        11095      11095
46150 zsh              sbsize     infinity   infinity
46150 zsh              vmem       infinity   infinity
46150 zsh              npts       infinity   infinity
46150 zsh              swap       infinity   infinity

to one where rlimit names are the same as in limits(1) and units are printed
in separate column:

   PID COMM             RLIMIT                 SOFT       HARD   UNIT
48885 zsh              cputime              100000   infinity   secs
48885 zsh              filesize           infinity   infinity   bytes
48885 zsh              datasize            524288k    524288k   bytes
48885 zsh              stacksize            65536k     65536k   bytes
48885 zsh              coredumpsize         95367M     95367M   bytes
48885 zsh              memoryuse          infinity   infinity   bytes
48885 zsh              memorylocked       infinity   infinity   bytes
48885 zsh              maxprocesses           5547       5547
48885 zsh              openfiles             11095      11095
48885 zsh              sbsize             infinity   infinity   bytes
48885 zsh              vmemoryuse         infinity   infinity   bytes
48885 zsh              pseudo-terminals   infinity   infinity
48885 zsh              swapuse            infinity   infinity   bytes

Personally I like the first variant as the most compact and the easiest to
maintain but would be glad to learn what other think about this or may be have
other suggestions.

A couple other variations:

   PID COMM             RLIMIT         SOFT       HARD   UNIT
47062 zsh              cpu          100000   infinity   secs
47062 zsh              fsize      infinity   infinity   bytes
47062 zsh              data        524288k    524288k   bytes
47062 zsh              stack      67108864   67108864   bytes
47062 zsh              core       9765625k   9765625k   bytes
47062 zsh              rss        infinity   infinity   bytes
47062 zsh              memlock    infinity   infinity   bytes
47062 zsh              nproc          5547       5547
47062 zsh              nofile        11095      11095
47062 zsh              sbsize     infinity   infinity   bytes
47062 zsh              vmem       infinity   infinity   bytes
47062 zsh              npts       infinity   infinity
47062 zsh              swap       infinity   infinity   bytes

   PID COMM                       RLIMIT       SOFT       HARD   UNIT
48798 zsh                       cputime     100000   infinity   secs
48798 zsh                      filesize   infinity   infinity   bytes
48798 zsh                      datasize    524288k    524288k   bytes
48798 zsh                     stacksize     65536k     65536k   bytes
48798 zsh                  coredumpsize     95367M     95367M   bytes
48798 zsh                     memoryuse   infinity   infinity   bytes
48798 zsh                  memorylocked   infinity   infinity   bytes
48798 zsh                  maxprocesses       5547       5547
48798 zsh                     openfiles      11095      11095
48798 zsh                        sbsize   infinity   infinity   bytes
48798 zsh                    vmemoryuse   infinity   infinity   bytes
48798 zsh              pseudo-terminals   infinity   infinity
48798 zsh                       swapuse   infinity   infinity   bytes

Hmm, I would stick as close to limits output as possible.  I would
consider duplicating the unit field in each of soft and hard, so you
end up with something like this:

  PID  COMM            RLIMIT     SOFT           HARD
48798  zsh             cputime      100000 secs  infinity secs
48798  zsh             filesize   infinity kb    infinity kb
48798  zsh             datasize     524288 kb      524288 kb


(Things like 'openfiles' is simply more intuitive than 'nofile' (no
file?, huh? oh, num open files.. (except not all users will make the
last step there).

John Baldwin
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