On 2014-05-23 12:11, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
On 05/23/14 09:45, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 09:38:14AM -0700, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
On 05/23/14 09:20, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 08:52:28AM -0700, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
On 05/23/14 08:36, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 08:19:34AM -0700, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
Is there any chance of finally switching the pkg abi identifiers to just
be uname -p?
Keeping asking won't make it happen, I have explained a large number of time why it happened, why it is not easy for compatibility and why uname -p is still not representing the ABI we do support, and what flexibility we need that the
current string offers to us.

if one is willing to do the work, please be my guess, just dig into the archives and join the pkg development otherwise: no it won't happen before a while because we have way too much work on the todo and this item is stored at the
very end of this todo.

I'm happy to do the work, and have volunteered now many times. If uname -p does not describe the ABI fully, then uname -p needs changes on the
relevant platforms. Which are they? What extra flexibility does the
string give you if uname -p describes the ABI completely?
just simple examples in armv6:
- eabi vs oabi
OABI is almost entirely dead, and will be entirely dead soon.
Maybe but still for now it is there and pkg has to work now

We don't provide packages for ARM. Also, no platforms have defaulted
to OABI for a very long time. Not making a distinction was a
deliberate decision of the ARM group, since it was meant to be a clean

- The different float abi (even if only one is supported for now others are
    being worked on)
armv6 and armv6hf

- little endian vs big endian
armv6 and armv6eb (though I think armv6eb support in general has been
removed from the tree, but armeb is still there)
what about combinaison? armv6 + eb + hf?

That would be armv6hfeb, I assume, if FreeBSD actually supported
big-endian ARMv6 at all, which it doesn't.

These all already exist.

the extras flexibilit is being able to say this binary do support freebsd i386
and amd64 in one key, freebsd:9:x86:*, or or all arches freebsd:10:*

arm was en example what about mips?

The same. There is mips64el, mipsel, mips, mips64, etc. that go
through all possible combinations. This is true for all platforms and
has been for ages. There was a brief period (2007-2010, I think) where
some Tier-3 embedded platforms didn't have enough options, but that
era was obscure and is long past.

The second one already would work, wouldn't it? Just replacing x86:64
with amd64 won't change anything. The first has to be outweighed by
being able to reliably figure out where to fetch from without a lookup

We also added the kern.supported_archs sysctl last year to all branches
to enable figuring out which architectures a given running kernel
supports (e.g. amd64 and i386 on most amd64 systems). This was designed
specifically to help pkg figure out what packages it can install.
I know, it means that we can switch only when freebsd 8 and 9 are EOL which means
in a couple of years

Why does it mean that? That doesn't make sense. A couple of symlinks
on the FTP server ensure compatibility. For the sysctl, it has been
merged all the back to 7.

Symlinks are irrelevant for pkg. It may fetch based on ABI in the URL,
but once it opens the package it also compares the ABI from the package
and repository to the ABI of /bin/sh on the system. So the symlink wouldn't

And it defeats cross installation (which is the reason why the ABI supported is
read from a binary and not from kernel)

No. That's the point of the sysctl.

and last thing is the current build packages should just work meaning that we
would need to have a kind of mapping table

Sure, as a compat measure. No reason to lock it in forever. You could
also detect old-style strings with a warning and install them
unconditionally. It's not a big deal.

Bryan Drewery
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