On 26 February 2015 at 17:17, Peter Grehan <gre...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Anyway - I have that model laptop, it hangs after calling
>> ipi_startup() to the first AP with x2apic enabled. What can I do to
>> continue debugging?
>  Please provide the info that Kostik requested here, try out the patch, and
> wait for the timezone in Ukraine to be a little more reasonable for a reply.
>  http://docs.FreeBSD.org/cgi/mid.cgi?20150216174658.GI34251


That patch is already in -HEAD; I'm already running it and no, it
doesn't help. The details are the same as what koop provided.

>  Use the workaround of setting hw.x2apic_enable=0 in the loader to fall back
> to stock APIC mode.

Yup - I'm using it to at least boot the laptop to get debugging output.

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