10.08.2015, 15:20, "Alexander V. Chernikov" <melif...@freebsd.org>:
> 10.08.2015, 10:55, "Julian Elischer" <jul...@freebsd.org>:
>> On 8/9/15 2:15 AM, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:
>>>  Author: melifaro
>>>  Date: Sat Aug 8 18:14:59 2015
>>>  New Revision: 286458
>>>  URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/286458
>>>  Log:
>>>     MFP r274295:
>>>     * Move interface route cleanup to route.c:rt_flushifroutes()
>>>     * Convert most of "for (fibnum = 0; fibnum < rt_numfibs; fibnum++)" 
>>> users
>>>       to use new rt_foreach_fib() instead of hand-rolling cycles.
>> I think rt_foreach_fib() is poorly named. My expectation is that it
>> would call a function for each fib,
>> or be a macro that just iterates fibs, rather than actually walking
>> the tree.
> Yes, you're right.
> Thanks for the hint, I'll rename it to rt_foreach_fib_walk().
Committed as r286594.
>> rt_foreach_fib_walk() maybe.
>>>  Mod
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