On Wed, 9 Aug 2017 18:44:19 +1000 (EST)
Bruce Evans <b...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Aug 2017, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
> > On Tue, 8 Aug 2017 23:55:52 +1000 (EST)
> > Bruce Evans <b...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 8 Aug 2017, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
> >>
> >>> Log:
> >>>  vmstat: Always emit a space after the free-memory column
> >>>
> >>>  When displaying in non-human form, if the free-memory number
> >>>  is large (more than 7 digits), there is no space between it and
> >>>  the page fault column.
> >>>
> >>>  PR:              221290
> >>>  Submitted by:    Josuah Demangeon <m...@josuah.net> (Original version)
> >>>
> >>> Modified:
> >>>  head/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c
> >>>
> >>> Modified: head/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c
> >>> ==============================================================================
> >>> --- head/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c  Tue Aug  8 11:49:36 2017        
> >>> (r322251)
> >>> +++ head/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c  Tue Aug  8 12:18:11 2017        
> >>> (r322252)
> >>> @@ -832,6 +832,7 @@ dovmstat(unsigned int interval, int reps)
> >>>                   xo_emit(" ");
> >>>                   xo_emit("{:free-memory/%7d}",
> >>>                           vmstat_pgtok(total.t_free));
> >>> +                 xo_emit(" ");
> >>>           }
> >>>           xo_emit("{:total-page-faults/%5lu} ",
> >>>                   (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_vm_faults -
> >>
> >> This seems to break the formatting.  There was a negative amount of space
> >> available for expansion, and since the header was not expanded to match
> >> its alignment with the fields is more random than before.  With -h, the
> >> width was 80 columns, giving ugly line wrap on 80-column terminals with
> >> auto-wrap.  Now it is 81 columns, giving uglier line wrap on all 80-
> >> column terminals.
> >
> > This break nothing, This was the case before too (with or without
> > -h), just tested in tmux with force-width 80.
> Testing shows that it breaks the -H case as expected.  (I had misread the
> change as affecting the -h case too.)
> Before:
> X procs     memory        page                    disks     faults         cpu
> X r b w     avm     fre  flt  re  pi  po    fr   sr ad0 ad1   in    sy    cs 
> us sy id
> X 0 0 0 12719376  977460 2167   3  28   0  2545  451   0   0  268 27162  7175 
>  9  1 91
> Misformatting in the data line starts with the avm field taking 8 of the 7
> columns reserved for it.  This and all subsequent fields are misaligned with
> the header.
> The header is pre-misformatted to width 85, with lots of inconsistencies in
> the first line.  Old versions were carefully formatted to width 79, with no
> inconsistencies in the first line.  The extra width for avm makes the extra
> width for the header not even work to line up.
> X procs     memory        page                    disks     faults         cpu
> X r b w     avm     fre  flt  re  pi  po    fr   sr ad0 ad1   in    sy    cs 
> us sy id
> X 0 0 0 12719380  977460  2167   3  28   0  2545  451   0   0  268 27162  
> 7175  9  1 91
> The new bugs are that the extra space before the "flt" field increases the
> off-by-1 error to off-by-2 for this field and all subsequent fields.  All
> fields starting with "flt" now have an error of at least off-by-1 even
> if none are too wide, since the header was not expanded to match.  Expansion
> would increase its breakage from 6 to wide to 7 too wide.

 Thanks, I know see the problem.
 I'll see if this could be corrected easily with libxo ...

> >> The bugs were mostly in the first line of the header:
> >> - the second line of the header was correct for vmstat -h
> >> - for vmstat without -h, the second line of the header was apparently 
> >> broken
> >>    by a change like the one here, that added a space after the "r b w" 
> >> fields
> >>    without adding one in the "r b w" header
> >> - most of the fields in the first line of the header are misaligned with 
> >> the
> >>    second lone.  Many have drifted 3 to the left of where the were in a 
> >> sort
> >>    of center-justified place.  Some of these might have actually been
> >>    intended to be left justified, but had an off by +1 error.  Now these
> >>    have an error of off by -2 relative to left justifications.
> >>
> >> Only the "memory" header in the first line is better than in old versions.
> >> It is now left justified.  Left justifying all headers in the first line
> >> is probably best.  I couldn't find a good way to delimit the right hand
> >> side of the extents of the headers in the first line.  The second line of
> >> the headers already uses right justification consistently and this works
> >> well.
> >
> > I think that all this might be true but you might talk about the whole
> > libxo conversion that was done, not my commit right ?
> I try not to look at libxo, since its misformattings are enormous starting
> in the source code.
> My columnize.awk script works almost perfectly to fix the above
> misformattings:
> X     columns = 79                    # XXX
> X }
> X 
> X {
> X     # Determine fields and field widths for current line.
> X     # awk's field splitting feature turned out to be inadequate,
> X     # and this would be even easier in C.
> X     n = split($0, a, "")
> X     f = 1
> X     j = 1
> X     while (j <= n) {
> X             cpw[f] = 0
> X             cfw[f] = 0
> X             while (j <= n && a[j] == " ") {
> X                     cpw[f]++        # current (left) padding width
> X                     j++
> X             }
> X             if (j > n)
> X                     break
> X             while (j <= n && a[j] != " ") {
> X                     cfw[f]++        # current field width without padding
> X                     j++
> X             }
> X             fld[f] = substr($0, j - cfw[f], cfw[f])
> X             if (f != 1) {
> X                     cpw[f]--
> X                     cfw[f]++        # current field width with min padding
> X             }
> X             f++
> X     }
> X     nf = f - 1                      # no need to use or trust NF
> X 
> X     if (NR == 1 || NR < 3 && nf != anf) {
> X             # Make current field widths (with full padding) the maximum
> X             # ones.  When NR > 1, this discards the previous maximums.
> X             # Good enough for vmstat, where the widths from NR == 1 are
> X             # garbage.
> X             #
> X             # Make current field widths (with minimal padding) the minimum
> X             # ones.
> X             anf = nf
> X             for (f = 1; f <= anf; f++) {
> X                     Mfw[f] = cpw[f] + cfw[f]
> X                     mfw[f] = cfw[f]
> X             }
> X     } else if (nf < anf) {
> X             # Some non-tabular line after warming up.  Probably an ornate
> X             # line in the next header.  Too hard to handle properly.
> X             printf("%.*s oops\n", columns - 5, $0)
> X             fflush(stdout)
> X             next
> X     } else if (nf > anf) {
> X             # Some non-tabular line after warming up.  Hopefully just
> X             # a single trailing field with inadequate field separators
> X             # like the COMMAND field in ps and top.  Append the extras
> X             # to the last field with minimal separators.
> X             for (f = anf + 1; f <= nf; f++)
> X                     fld[anf] = fld[anf] " " fld[f]
> X             nf = anf
> X             cfw[nf] = 1 + length(fld[nf])
> X     }
> X 
> X     # Update the maximum and minimum field widths if this line needs
> X     # wider fields.
> X     len = 0
> X     for (f = 1; f <= nf; f++) {
> X             if (Mfw[f] < cfw[f])
> X                     Mfw[f] = cfw[f]
> X             len += Mfw[f]
> X             if (mfw[f] < cfw[f])
> X                     mfw[f] = cfw[f]
> X     }
> X 
> X     # If the line would be too wide, reduce the maximum field widths
> X     # minimally towards minimum ones.
> X     while (len > columns) {
> X             for (f = 1; f <= nf; f++) {
> X                     if (Mfw[f] > mfw[f]) {
> X                             Mfw[f]--
> X                             len--
> X                             break
> X                     }
> X             }
> X             if (f > nf)
> X                     break
> X     }
> X 
> X     s = ""
> X     for (f = 1; f <= nf - 1; f++)
> X             s = s sprintf("%*s", Mfw[f], fld[f])
> X     s = s sprintf(" %-*s", Mfw[nf] - 1, fld[nf])
> X     printf("%.*s\n", columns, s)
> X     fflush(stdout)
> X }
> When applied to the above saved output (old then new, quoted by X's), it
> produces:
> X procs     memory        page                    disks     faults cpu 
> X r b w avm   fre  flt  re  pi  po    fr   sr ad0 ad1   in    sy    cs us sy 
> id
> X 0 0 0 12719376 977460 2167  3 28  0 2545 451   0   0 268 27162  7175  9  1 
> 91
> X procs     memory        page                    disks     faults         
> oops
> X r b w      avm    fre  flt re pi po   fr  sr ad0 ad1  in    sy    cs us sy 
> id
> X 0 0 0 12719380 977460 2167  3 28  0 2545 451   0   0 268 27162  7175  9  1 
> 91
> It removed enough spaces to fit in 79 columns even with the X's.  It can't
> handle the first line of the header very well since this line has an ornate
> format whose columns don't match the rest of the output in any simple way
> (programs should produce more parseable formats, like ps does).  All that
> that it did for the first line was move "cpu" to a less worse place in the
> old output and change it to "oops" in the new output.
> Even programs like ps and df that attempt to do the necessary dynamic
> formatting often produce worse results than the above script.  df on
> freefall now produces a mess lots of spaces giving long lines even with
> -h, I think because the mountpoint names are very long and df has hard-
> coded formats for everything else.  columnize.awk only manages to almost
> clean this up for the -h case.  It has a problem that it is stream-based
> and doesn't backtrack to adjust early lines.  This is necessary for use
> in filters.
> vmstat 1 | awk -f columize.awk is a good example of using columize.awk
> in a filter.  This use also requires it to understand headers not in
> the first few lines of output.  This is not easy, and in practice it
> gets confused by the first line of the vmstat header unless it is the
> first line of the output.  This is why it printed "oops" in the
> abov concatenated output.  The first header line just has an unusual
> number of fields so cannot be handled right.  When it is the first
> line in the output, it is printed verbatim except possibly for removing
> spaces, since it gives the only available information on the expected
> columnar output.
> Bruce

Emmanuel Vadot <m...@bidouilliste.com> <m...@freebsd.org>
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