On 05/01/2018 17:06, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
05.01.2018 23:11, Steven Hartland wrote:

What do others think, am I missing something?
You still consider only TCP case missing IP forwarning case when all IP packets
are transit coming from lagg0 and going out via lagg1.
Just going out via a laggX

IP forwarding case benefits from pre-computed RSS flowid since 8.0-RELEASE
and your change breaks it.
Is there a way to determine if the mbuf is a forwarded mbuf of not?

I know I've said it before but just to be totally clear, changing the default was done to prevent broken behavior, if you're not concerned about the issue or you know you're not effected you can enable use_flowid to restore the original behavior.

This doesn't have to be the final fix, if there are improvements that can be made to make the default more intelligent for example and use flowid if its known to be good then that can be looked into. In the mean time the new "default" will prevent others from configuring lagg(4) with LACP or loadbalance and ending up with problems; yes this may mean that IP forwarding in HEAD will use manual hashing hence will perform a little worse for now but that's the lesser of two evils.

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