I have a problem in my YAML syntax. My response in JSON is like this:
*   "wordtxtword": "καρδιολόγος",*
*   "relations": [*
*                     {*
*                      "relation": "treats",*
*                      "related_words": [*
*                                      "έμφραγμα",*
*                                      "στηθάγχη",*
*                                      "στενοκαρδία",*
*                                      "μυοκαρδίτιδα",*
*                                      "ταχυκαρδία",*
*                                      "ταχυπαλμία",*
*                                      "ταχυσφυγμία",*
*                                      "βραδυκαρδία",*
*                                      "βραδυσφυγμία"*
*                        ] },*
*                        {*
*                         "relation": "practices",*
*                         "related_words": [*
*                                      "καρδιολογία"*
*                          ] }*
*                      ]*

I need to write a YAML syntax covering this response. So my get is 
something like that:
*      summary: Return a list of all related words.*
*      description: |*
*        This endpoint returns a list of all existing relations of the 
selected word. Results are grouped by the relation type.*
*      tags:*
*        - Word*
*      responses:*
*        200:*
*          description: Multiple arrays of words according to the relation 
type they have with the word that is searched.*
*          schema:*
*            type: array*
*            items:*
*              $ref: '#/definitions/relationlist'*
*        default:*
*          description: Unexpected error*
*          schema:*
*            $ref: '#/definitions/Error'*

And in my definitions i have :

*    type: object*
*    properties:*
*      wordtxt:*
*        type: string*
*        description: The matching word as found in the dictionary.*
*      relations:*
*        type: object*
*        description: An array of relation types and words that belong to 
that relation type.*
*        properties:*
*          relation:*
*            type: string*
*            description: The relation type*
*          related_words:*
*            type: object*
*            properties:*
*              words: string*

My question is how to express the array of strings that corresponds to the 
'related_words' field in my definition. The way i am now expressing it is 
not correct since there is no 'words' field in my JSON response.

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