For what it's worth, I am in the same situation, or nearly so.  We use 
IdentityServer3 in C# Asp.Net environment with X.509 client certificate 
(https://someUrl/connect/token).  I can always get a token with Google's 
Postman.  With Swagger configured to use ApiKey, you can cut-and-paste the 
Postman-Token just one time into Swagger-UI to satisfy 
Authentication/Authorization requirements on all your controllers.  With 
the OAuth2 configuration, each controller/function with an [Authorize] 
requirement will present its own credential-entry-dialog.  That is 
'letter-of-the-law' correct, I suppose, but not especially friendly to the 
interactive user.  So, the research will continue...

On Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 3:29:28 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Hello,
> I been trying for couple days swagger, and have been having some trouble 
> understanding and implementing it.
> At first i thought it supports OAuth flows, but it seems a user have to 
> extend existing index page and implement on his own.
> I want to ask, for what purpose this configuration is declared in swagger 
> config:
> .EnableSwagger("docs/{apiVersion}/help", c =>
>>                     {
>>                         c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "API ussage");
>>>                         var baseDirectory = 
>>> AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
>>                         var fileName = Assembly
>>                             .GetExecutingAssembly()
>>                             .GetName()
>>                             .Name + ".XML";
>>                         var commentsFile = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, 
>>> "bin", fileName);
>>>                         c.IncludeXmlComments(commentsFile);
>>>                         c.OAuth2("oauth2")
>>                             .Description("client credentials grant flow")
>>                             .Flow("application")
>>                             .Scopes(scopes => scopes.Add("someScope", 
>>> "try out the sample api"))
>>> .TokenUrl("http://....../identity/connect/token";);
>>> c.OperationFilter<AssignOAuth2SecurityRequirements>();
>>                     })
>>                 .EnableSwaggerUi("help/{*assetPath}", c =>
>>                 {
>>                     c.DisableValidator();
>>                     c.DocExpansion(DocExpansion.List);
>>                     c.EnableOAuth2Support("client", "secret", "", 
>>> "someScope");
>>                 });
> and AssignOAuth2SecurityRequirements
>  public class AssignOAuth2SecurityRequirements : IOperationFilter
>>         {
>>             public void Apply(Operation operation, SchemaRegistry 
>>> schemaRegistry, ApiDescription apiDescription)
>>             {
>>                 //All methods are secured by default, 
>>                 //unless explicitly specifying an AllowAnonymous 
>>> attribute.
>>                 if (apiDescription != null)
>>                 {
>>                     var actFilters = 
>>> apiDescription.ActionDescriptor.GetFilterPipeline();
>>                     var allowsAnonymous = actFilters.Select(f => 
>>> f.Instance).OfType<OverrideAuthorizationAttribute>().Any();
>>                     if (allowsAnonymous)
>>                         return; 
>>                 }
>>>                 if ( == null)
>>            = new List<IDictionary<string, 
>>> IEnumerable<string>>>();
>>>                 var oAuthRequirements = new Dictionary<string, 
>>> IEnumerable<string>>
>>                 {
>>                     {"oauth2", Enumerable.Empty<string>()}
>>                 };
>>>       ;
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
> Why would i need such configuration? It does not seem to work, on 
> simpliest OAuth client credential flow.

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