Might anyone have tips for continuously generating code, from an 
OpenAPI-formatted file?  My goal is to have a development process that runs 
a bit like so:

1. I generate server code from an OpenAPI file.  Language-wise, this would 
probably be C#, but this is not a hard-need.  I could switch to almost any 
language, here.
2. I modify the generated code with custom logic.  The customized code 
would probably be Controller-type code, which employed various 
business/company-specific logic to instantiate stuff from the Model.
3. I modify the OpenAPI file.  It is safe to assume that I would only be 
adding properties to it (as opposed to deleting or modifying things).
4. I regenerate the code from the now-modified OpenAPI file, with my 
custom, business logic still in-place, and with new properties being 

I am thinking I might be able to accomplish this via use of polymorphism, 
in the target language.  I.e. subclass Controller objects, overriding 
methods as needed.  This seems somewhat verbose, moreso than the app needs, 
and perhaps prone to error.

OS-wise, I could use pretty much anything: OSX, Linux, or Windows.  I'm 
using OSX now, but could switch to something else, without much trouble.

In terms of tools, I've been using swagger-codegen v2.3.1.  I could see 
switching to something else, such as the 3.0.0 series, or even a 
custom-built copy.  I have been able to successfully build and run 
swagger-codegen, via Github-cloned code.

Does anyone have tips on how to accomplish the aforementioned development 
process (generate server code, modify OpenAPI file, regenerate server code 
w/o losing certain customizations)?  Might polymorphism (in the target 
language) be a prudent option?

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