I would like to add a request to make a low-frills, non-fluff version of 
the swagger ui so that it can be used on embedded devices.  I have worked 
with a number of common, existing tools and managed to scale them down 
quite a bit by using a combination of combining all the sourced/linked 
content into a single file, minifying the various languages as much as 
possible, then gzipping the files with maximum compression. But despite my 
best efforts, the smallest I can get the swagger ui in it's most recent 
form is about 660k. Compare this to the next largest toolkit I've worked 
with, angularjs and that is 56k.
I tried grabbing an online 'minified' version which seemed to have stripped 
out some stuff like the custom fonts and some of the unnecessary images, 
but even with that version, the smallest I can get it is around 450k.

Besides the problem with storage space on an embedded device, you are also 
often working with hardware that is not as well designed to handle large 
file transmission or at least not able to do so quickly. They also tend to 
limit the number of simultaneous streams (thus the combining of as many 
things as possible into a single file, using tricks like base64 encoding 
binary files such as images and fonts)

It's nice to have the full featured version for nice pretty interfaces on 
professional looking websites and I'm not trying to detract from that. But 
it would also be nice if there was a no-frills, small-as-possible version 
for efficiency and use on things like embedded IoT devices.


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