Hello everyone,

I'm a Gentoo linux user. My work uses a linux based VPN server (Centos 7)
that is probably pretty out of date. It uses l2tp protocol.

My Gentoo box is running Networkmanager 1.26.0 and until a recent update I
was running libreswan-3.32-r1 which contains a patch to fix an NSS version
issue. libreswan-3.32 without the patch fails to connect to my work because
of the NSS issue.

Networkmanager requires libreswan for l2tp protocol connections.

In the latest update of my machine libreswan 4.1 installed and I could no
longer connect to work. There was absolutely no useful messages from
Networkmanager. This is what I got in /var/log/messages:

Oct 22 21:30:16 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <info>  [1603427416.4884]
audit: op="connection-activate" uuid="9a088450-2a7b-4012-befe-facf564c77e0"
name="wtec-SJ" pid=5647 uid=1000 result
Oct 22 21:30:16 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <info>  [1603427416.4920]
Started the VPN service, PID 10712
Oct 22 21:30:16 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <info>  [1603427416.4984]
Saw the service appear; activating
Oct 22 21:30:17 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <info>  [1603427417.1234]
audit: op="statistics" arg="refresh-rate-ms" pid=5647 uid=1000
Oct 22 21:30:27 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <info>  [1603427427.7335]
VPN plugin: state changed: stopped
Oct 22 21:30:27 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <info>  [1603427427.7361]
VPN service disappeared
Oct 22 21:30:27 threads NetworkManager[4579]: <warn>  [1603427427.7372]
VPN connection: failed to connect:
'Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying'

I figure I have a configuration issue, except that it works fine with the
old version of libreswan.

I'm hoping you guys have some idea what I'm talking about. I can email you
any information on my machine and I can probably get the configuration for
the (openvpn, I think) VPN server.

I know that me using the old version of libreswan is eventually going to
become a problem so I'd like to proactively figure out what's wrong and fix
my system so my work flow isn't interrupted.

I don't hand edit the config files, I let KDE configure network manager, so
I figure there is something I need to change in that configuration.

Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
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