On 12/29/2020 4:31 AM, Paul Wouters wrote:
On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Alex wrote:

How can I tell what type of cert I'm using?

openssl x509 -noout -text -in /your/cert.pem

If you used certutil to generate the certificate directly inside the NSS database, you may have to export first, or use something like:

   certutil -L -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n your_cert_nickname

See man certutil for details and instructions for use.

One hint might be:
Set-VpnConnectionIPsecConfiguration -ConnectionName "ikev2-cp"
-AuthenticationTransformConstants SHA256128 -CipherTransformConstants
AES256 -EncryptionMethod AES256 -IntegrityCheckMethod SHA256 -PfsGroup
PFS2048 -DHGroup Group14 -PassThru -Force

DH Group14 means MODP2048:

I've done this, and it appears to make no difference.

No difference means you get back to policy mismatch error or a dialog box asking for username and password? "it still doesn't work" doesn't say much.

There doesn't appear to be any further references to modp1024, but I
have no idea what to do next.

I don't see modp1024 either, which would mean something has changed.

Based on the strongswan page, I've added the following:


strongswan is not fullt compatible with libreswan. the ike= and esp=
line take a different format. The above two strongswan lines translate
to libreswan as:


I may add that these instructions define a single cipher set that is accepted; at first you may want to stick to the default set, which includes many different suites, and then refine to the single set that you want at a fine-tuning stage.

Can I ask you to review this pastebin output from an attempt to connect?

This is with "plutodebug = all crypt". In addition to the
NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN messages, the highlights appear to include:

I've given a quick look, and I don't have much more to add to Paul's comment below (maybe "all crypt" is too much).

find_host_connection local= remote=
policy=ECDSA+IKEV2_ALLOW but ignoring ports
find_host_connection local= remote=
policy=RSASIG+IKEV2_ALLOW but ignoring ports
find_host_connection local= remote=
policy=PSK+IKEV2_ALLOW but ignoring ports

This is just our debugging the loop over the existing authentication
methods and IPs.

It seems you do not have a connection loaded that satisfies all of these:
- has ikev2=yes
- uses left= (or left=%defaultroute) [provided you use left
   as your local machine, and right for the remote machine options. if
   you flipped that, you don't have a right= matching these]

I thought if left is the local machine it should use either %defaultroute or the /local/ address - I have copy-pasted the paragraph from the ipsec.conf manpage in one of my previous answers.

- uses right= or right=%any
- uses authby=ecdsa or authby=rsa or authby=secret (or a combination
   thereof, or it is not set in which case the defaults would include rsa
   and/or rsa+ecdsa depending on the version of libreswan)
- an ike= line that matches the remote client proposal list (or the
   client uses something that is not a default ike parameter when no ike=
   line is specified)

You might want to manually add the connection to see if it loads at all:

ipsec auto --add yourconnname

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