Hi.  My name is Lee Seitz.  Jim invited me to the list a couple weeks
ago, but I'm just now getting around to signing up.

My primary passion is old video games (Atari 2600, Colecovision,
Intellivision, Vectrex, etc.).  But in my trips to the thrift stores,
I often come across old computer software that looks interesting.  I
used to (mostly) ignore it, but now MobyGames has got me buying some
of it.  (I'll get you for this, Jim. 8)  I'm a packrat and hate to see
anything neat thrown out.  This causes me all kinds of space problems. 

Back in the day (actually up until 1992), I was strictly an Apple II
user.  My father bought an Apple //e in the mid-80s.  He bought me a
Laser 128EX (Apple compatible) before I went off to college. 
Admittedly, most of my games back then were probably pirated, but I'm
suspecting that's a familiar story here.  Although I still have my
Laser, it has problems.  I recently purchased an Apple IIGS, although
I have yet to do anything with it other than go through some of my old

I've also picked up a few abandoned PCs off the curb lately.  I'm
really not sure where I think I'm going to put all this stuff or what
I'm going to do with it.  I have too many games already without trying
to buy more old stuff!  I guess when I retire, if the games and
hardware still work, I won't lack for things to do.  Maybe I'll
finally finish Might & Magic then. ;)

I have to admit, in part, I'm keeping an eye on old software for
things I might sell on eBay in order to support my video game hobby.
(Please don't string me up for that statement.  I need something to
make the wear and tear on my car worth it.)  However, being the
packrat that I am, I often just want to see these games get a good

And on that topic, I saw the following at a thrift store today.  I'd
be happy to pick them up for anyone who wants them, but I'd like some
sort of small finder's fee for my trouble, gas, etc.  (This thrift
store is all the way on the other side of town.)  I hope that doesn't
rub you guys the wrong way.  If I've offended you all, I'll not make
such an offer again.  I haven't given much though to what might be
reasonable.  Suggestions?  I'm probably not interested in trades so

Adventure Construction Set (EA)
Alter Ego (Activision, female version)
Baron (An investment/money game, but not by Cosmi, I don't think.)
Inside Trader (Cosmi)
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Leisure Suit Larry:  Looking for Love
Lightspeed (Microprose)
Microsoft Entertainment Pack 2
Money Bags (Cosmi)
Music Construction Kit (EA; I may keep this one.)
Raider:  Pirate of Wall St.
Skate or Die
Tass Times in Tonetown
Test Drive

I believe all of these games have the instructions and disks.  All are
sealed with clear packing tape, which makes it hard to check.  If you
want a game and it turns out not to have both the instructions and
disks, I will not hold you to taking it and eat the cost myself.  Most
are priced at $2.

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
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