I have this hypothetical question I'd like to present to all of you:

Imagine game X, made by company Y.
Company Y is from Germany, so X is released in german. X is then released
in the USA in english, by company Z. Same box, same contents, only
translated, and different company logo on the box.

Now you don't want to play game X, you just want it for your collection.
What would you do?

a) Buy X both in german and english (in case you choose this one please
choose also one of the other two)
b) Buy the original german version of X
c) Buy the US version, in english, of X

Thanks in advance for your opinions,

PS: Extra lump of sugar if you can guess which X I'm referring to. Hint:
it's a RPG.

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"

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