Actually, the Ultima series (including Akalabeth) was responsible for many
innovations, but I'll respect your wishes and not respond here.

I'm writing here to make a correction.  If I remember my Ultima history
correctly (I didn't look it up to verify) Richard Garriott was given the
name Lord British by his schoolmates.  It was a sarcastic jibe at the way he
spoke (very proper English).


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Infocom games' boxes


You are not alone -- I too love Origin but cannot stand Ultima! I'll take
the Might
& Magic line over Ultima any day. As for the British moniker, Garriot
himself said
he chose the handle because it sounded cool. And he was a teenager at the

Jim Leonard wrote:

> Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> >
> > >For example, I can tell you guys that
> > >there are several Cyber Exchanges and Software ReRuns around where I
> > >(Naperville, IL, USA).  I tell you this because I've already picked
> > clean
> > >for my own purposes.
> >
> > You didn't pick the RPGs, did you? :)
> Nope.  I don't collect RPGs.  In fact, I think I collect everything that
> guys *don't* collect.
> > >I'm helping by sharing, and I'm not worried about missing
> > >a deal because I've already been there.
> >
> > I'm rarely worried about missing a deal even if I haven't been there
> > unless there's an Akalabeth or Ultima CPC listed or something... 0:)
> I'll drop a bomb, here:  I don't know what you're talking about when you
> "Ultima CPC".  Could you explain?
> Here's another bomb:  I have never, ever liked any Ultimas.  I find them
> contrived and scatterbrain; I feel the storylines are manufactured and
> And most of all, the name "Lord British" really rubs me the wrong way --
> rubbed me the wrong way when I first saw it on the bootup screen of Ultima
> and it still rubs me the wrong way today.  It's a dorky,
> grammatically-incorrect handle.  When I hear the name "Lord British", I
> a pimply 14-yr-old trying to think of a "cool" handle to choose when
> onto a BBS door.
> I am the only software collector in the world who doesn't like Ultima.  I
> Origin, just not Ultima.  If there is any one thing that any one Ultima
> does better than *all* other RPGs, I'd sure like to know.  (If you want to
> reply :-) please do so privately as I don't think everyone on the list
wants to
> hear a flamewar over Ultima.)
> --
> The world's most comprehensive gaming database project.
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