Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> >Actually,,287/ disagrees with
> >you.  I don't see Tim Cain associated with Wasteland at all.  Why do you
> think
> >Tim Cain was associated with Wasteland?
> Errrrrr... I was pretty sure he was the one responsible for Wasteland. I'll
> have to do some research (yes, I know his name isn't mentioned on the game
> box/flat)

He's not mentioned in the manual either, or in the program executable.  I think
you're wrong, dude.  :-)
> >areas.  Besides, I think it gave the game a sense of seriousness and
> urgency --
> >there's no restoring when an NPC dies, for example.
> I don't necessarily think that's a good idea. You may call it challenging,
> but I call it annoying... reminds me of the strange Blade of Destiny save
> system: if you saved outside of a temple, each char'd lose 50 xp

I don't have a problem with a "soft penalty" for "soft cheating".  How many
times did I restore the same game to get past a very difficult enemy because I
was hoping for a critical hit?  I was *supposed* to go back and get more
experience (or play better) before attacking the monster.
> Doing all the main quests and side quests, I think 12 hours is enough (for
> the second time, of course)

I *did* do most of the side quests (I got very little enjoyment out of playing
it a second time, much to my dismay -- but it's still a great game).
> > yourself in a "I can't level anymore because I've finished all quests and
> > have no more monsters to kill except for random wilderness encounters"
> > situation.
> >So ask yourself this:  When you get to that point, do you *need* to level
> up?
> Oh yes. You see, it's very important to reach level 24 so you can get
> either the Sniper or the Slayer perk, which makes the game much more
> interesting.

Level 18, actually.  But why is it *much* more interesting to get those perks
if there's nothing left to kill?  Isn't the game over at that point?
> Magic Candle is very Ultima-like. Ali Atabek had great ideas there, with
> the player being able to split the party so the mage could stay at the inn
> studying spells, the carpenter working for money, the ranger hunting for
> food, the main hero gathering information, etc...

Really?  I own it, shrinked.  Maybe I'll crack the wrap on it ;-)

Didn't Wasteland have this before Magic Candle?  MC was 1989; Wasteland was
1987 (IBM PC, anyway).  Then again, in WS it was mostly a gimmick whereas in MC
it seems utilized effectively.
> (It's Tom's favorite game ever, IIRC.)
> >Starflight was of course fantastic, and I hear good things about
> >Darklands so I'll buy it.  (There's an updated patched version for sale
> legally
> >on a website; check MobyGames.)
> The "Win-optimized" CD is on sale everywhere on eBay too, but I'll take a
> peek.

The one I'm talking about should be for sale here:
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