Hugh Falk wrote:
> Another bit of trivia related to this....
> Airheart was renamed "Typhoon Thompson: Search for the Sea Child" for other
> platforms.  I'm not sure why they renamed it.  I'm most familiar with the ST
> version, which is an EXCELLENT game.

I booted up Airheart for the first time on a real Apple II and HOLY CRAP that
is an awesome programming effort!  Did Dan Gorlin do the graphics himself as
well?  God, I love one-man wonders.  Woz must've grown an extra smile when he
saw what people were pushing his machine to do.

As impressed as I am with the remarkable Apple II version, what did the ST
version add to it?

Side note:  Does anyone have any pointers on getting Apple II graphics
programming info?  I am dying to learn how double-hires was accomplished and
why you needed 128K bankswitching to do it.
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