> It had nothing to do with respect; it was a metaphor for Garriott's
> professional relationship with EA.  He does not work for EA, nor is he
> the copyright holder of the Ultima franchise, so asking him for (legal)
> permission was pointless.

I have to agree with Jim on this one.  Similar to a lot of emulation sites
that get the permission of programmers to post software, Garriott lost all
rights to his work when he ran Origin into the ground and was forced to

Garriott made some really bad business decisions (letting Chris Roberts go
overboard on the Wing Commander budgets being one of them) and as far as
I've heard the story was FORCED to sell Origin to avoid bankruptcy.  He is a
great game designer, but Ultima IX didn't sell nearly as well as expected
and virtually all other Origin franchises have been put on ice indefinetely.
Had it not been for EA pulling their bacon out of the fire the company would
have perished long ago.

If I was EA I'd be trying to protect the one property left from Origin worth
protecting.  But that's just the scumbad lawyer in me talking.  :-)

Karl Kuras
Visit Our House, the online comic strip!

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