Chris Newman wrote:
> Yes, but why should this be restricted to limited editions? I think it should be
> the norm, as it once was. I think this paucity of physical components falls under
> the same category as companies releasing barebones documentation to virtually
> require that the player buys the strategy guide (aka real manual). It's another
> way to generate revenue.
> Am I being too harsh here?

No, you're being quite accurate.  Many consider Outpost to be the start
of this downfall; the manual blatantly omits pieces of information that
were necessary to play the game -- only to be included in the strategy
guide.  Personally, I consider it to be King's Quest V, which included a
puzzle so "out there" that you *had* to buy the hint book to win the
game (my memory is fuzzy, but IIRC you have to catch an elf with a
feather and honey, but nowhere is it suggested you even need to capture
him in the first place, nor how to do it!).

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