Karl Kuras wrote:
> never had to reset any of my system configurations (with the exception of 16
> bit or 32 bit color... hate when a game won't accept 32bit color... anyone
> know what the problem is with that from a coding stand point?) for a windows
> program... it just runs.

Laziness or arrogance -- usually both.  There isn't any legit reason why
you should have to screw with your desktop color depth to run a game.
> On the issue of crashing... all I can say is that Dos machines didn't crash
> as much because they weren't doing as much!  Spec your windows system down
> to the bare minimum and only run one program at a time, with no lan
> connections or anything running, and believe me it won't crash either.

..if some errant program hasn't "updated" a system component to the
point of non-compatibility.  This *can* be blamed on Microsoft (and not
the program) because it's their architecture that makes "updates"
necessary.  It's a flawed design.

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