Thought the rest of you might get a kick out of this.  (Check out my entry!)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Digital Press Wire Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "List Member" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: DP Contest: eBay Insanity... Let's make some!

You've seen them. RARE items listed in eBay (typically resulting in yet
another Atari Pac-Man cartridge), misleading auctions (was that *just* the
shrinkwrap I bought?), devious sellers (ahem)...

Time for some payback. And if you pay back the best, there's a  great reward
for you!

Enter our eBay Insanity contest which begins this weekend! Post the most
outrageous videogame-related auction and walk away a champion. Even if you
don't enter, you can participate, by voting on your favorite, "most insane"

Rules and entries can be found here:

As always, GAME ON brothers and sisters!

Joe Santulli
Digital Press

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