Chris Newman schrieb:
> Wow, RBBS-PC, the good old days! I don't know if it would have any
> serious sale value, but it probably has sentimental value (which might
> translate) to many folks.
> This might lead to a good thread. What was your favorite BBS program?
> Was it the venerable PC-Board, the easy to navigate Searchlight, the
> pirate's delight of Telegard, or something else?

Jeez, this is so long ago. I remember that in the late 80s my favorite
became one for the C64 which was able to bring the machine to display 80
characters per line. I wonder how they did it, it sure didn't flicker. I
used it on my C128, because all I had for a monitor was an 1802 which
worked only with 40 characters in C128 mode.

Anyone know the name of that program? 


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