Due to nothing buy my own stupidity (and perhaps a lack of sleep), I
infected myself with an e-mail worm.  Normally such things wouldn't
happen to me since I primarily use my Unix account to read mail, but
as I said, I was stupid.

The virus in question is Bugbear.  I encourage you to read more about
it at http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/tanatos.shtml.  Luckily this
virus is not destructive and primarily concerns itself with sending
itself out in e-mails.  I believe I have taken care of the problem. 
If you received a suspicious e-mail from me since 9:51 p.m. on 11-12,
don't open it.  Some pieces of subject I know were sent: 
     Fantastic Four Roast #1
     Tracerlock matches for "Spaceknight"

I apologize for my stupidity and hope it has not done any of you any
harm.  If you receive any more suspicious e-mails from me after this
one, please let me know.

Lee K. Seitz

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