> My collection is 600+ IBM titles and I *still* don't understand why IBM
> software collectables go for almost twice as much as other platforms.  Any
> theories?

Space, perhaps.  You can slap an old 5.25" drive in your modern PC and
probably get most games to work with enough fiddling.  But do most players
(non-collectors) really want to lug a big bulky Apple II into their house?

>From a seller perspective, I get more platform-specific requests for PC
games than any other machine, so it only makes sense to ask a bit more for

> I'm especially puzzled since the Abandonware movement has pretty much made
> everything available for download.

This has always surprised me too, how so many people seem to want the
original packaging.  Though I've long felt that the physical items are more
valuable (especially sentimentally) than code.

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