Just getting around to reading this now.  Thanks for the interesting read,
Alexander.  Frightening implications, though I'm not sure I buy 100% of it.
The part about them keeping track of everything everyone has bought and sold
since the beginning, for instance.  To be able to really use it, they'd have
to store not just the title, but the full item description (since the two
can greatly differ).  Add to that the learning curve eBay itself has had to
go through -- I remember when people were selling firearms, human parts and
body fluids, all manner of screwed-up stuff, before the site started
cracking down.  If they kept such meticulous records why didn't they do
something about such auctions sooner?  Considering their current
incompetence I just can't swallow the notion of them having that much
foresight.  Plus when you factor in the storage requirements, 8+ years of
full auction text for X million users, for a site that has 2-3 billion
auctions running at any given time.  It just seems awfully far-fetched to

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Zöller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 9:58 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] Big Brother is watching you - and documenting (the
eBay/PayPal merger)

> Longer article taken from the online edition of Haaretz, Israel's leading
> daily newspaper. IMHO well worth reading.
> /Alexander

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