Excellent update on your site!
Seems faster too.

It's just great to browse the many old cool game and fantasy covers
not to be found anywhere else on the net.
And all those item pics are honorable.

Though there is this one thing still; I sometimes like to open the
page in a new window that you don't have to load the whole
game page every time you go back and forth, but it throws you back
to the main page and you have to go back to where you were from scratch.
Is this intentional or due to the progamming language?

BTW the last update says 2003.

2 gigs... I have to do with a 50 meg limit and it's a pain :)
(high compression etc.)

PS. I'm glad you put Tolkien under its own branch :)
Lucas could use one too (I'd include Labyrinth [which
is the coolest Lucas-cover ever] under that).

- Jukka

http://koti.mbnet.fi/~psychic/  -  Synchronic Web

----- Original Message -----
From: Howard Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 5:24 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] Presenting the reincarnated Computer/Book RPG/Adventure

> After several months, I finally found a host for my 2 GB+ museum
> website.  I ended up sticking it on a buddy's computer, go figure.  It
> should be fine as long as I don't end up sucking too much of his
> bandwidth since he has a limit.  Anyhow, please update your links, for
> those of you who were linked to me before, and please check it out and
> let you know what you think.  It is now entirely PHP/MySQL driven, and
> pretty fast and bug free I think.  Its new home is here:
> http://vgmuseum.chaoticmonkey.com/
> (for reference, the old link was
> http://bioinfo.mshri.on.ca/people/feldman/vgmuseum/, which can still be
> reached for now at http://deep.mshri.on.ca/people/feldman/vgmuseum/)
> --
> ----------------------------------------------
> Howard Feldman, Author of The Search for Freedom
> A Computer Fantasy Role-Playing Game
> Visit its Homepage at http://home.golden.net/~feldman/SearchForFreedom/

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