I bought most of my Infocom grey boxes from a place called Compsult, in California, back in 1991. They still sell stuff on eBay as "Software Outlet" or something similar... I think I purcshased 15-16 titles, brand new, still in the shrink for $5 each... Sci-Fi classics with the slipcase for $15. Mind you, I unshrinked them all back then, but they are still in nice condition!

Also, probably my luckiest buy... Back in 1992 or 1993, I purchased brand new Infidel, Sorcerer, and Planetfall folios, and a Starcross saucer for about $50. The person from whom I bought these items had a few Personal Software Zorks - but I didn't know any better, so I never asked for one. But he decided to throw one in anyways!

Howard Feldman wrote:

I guess my luckiest find (that I can recall) was probably Softporn
Adventure.  I got it complete for $5 on USENET.  Ironically, although I
knew it was the precursor to LSL, I had no idea of its value.  Since I
mostly collect RPGs I was hesitant to even buy it!  Glad I did though :)

Oh, and I got not 1, but 2 copies of the original release of Beneath
Apple Manor - for free! (Donations to the 'museum' - which are welcome
anytime btw, lol) (someone on this list is the happy owner of one now :)
)  For some reason thats just not a popular game among collectors I

Also picked up tons of bargains from C.E. (does that count?)

Found Troll's Tale cheap too.  If anyone's in the Syracuse area, there's
a great little store (see http://www.waynes.com/) that still has tons of
Apple II software and hardware.  (But dont get too excited, I took most
of the good stuff already).  He's got dozens of old games though, many
still in the original boxes, for relatively cheap. He told me he had
crates more of the stuff in 'the attic' but he wouldn't let me go look

Or any of your most prized software posessions, for that matter?  Any
good stories out there?

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