Very nice, and remarkably fast.  Sorting and searching both worked great.  I did find one glitch, though: If I:
1. Search on a keyword
2. Then hit my browser's back button from the results page
3. Then click the scroll bar on the left side (in the previous page)
...Instead of scrolling down it takes me back to the same search results, and I get the following PHP error at the top of the page:
Warning: mysql_data_seek(): Offset 25 is invalid for MySQL result index 7 (or the query data is unbuffered) in /home/gotcha/cgi-bin/PHP/datalist.php on line 648
Other than that, looks great!
Adventure International list is still in-progress.  Going is slow because some platform and release date info is hard to track down, and there are a HUGE number of package variants.  For the time being I'm going to confine myself to adventure only, since I don't have a complete list of their arcade titles.
----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Falk
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:06 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] CURIOUS Guide

After weeks of frustration and experimentation, I finally have a DB solution for the CUROIUS Guide up and running.  You can get to it from my site ( through the menu, but here is a direct link to the DB page:


There are some nice features like sorting, filtering and a printable view, but there is still some more functionality I want to add (like alphabetical tabs).  For now I think it is very usable.


I’d really appreciate some feedback…specifically if it works since so many people had problems with the last version.


Keep in mind that this is only the beginning.  There are likely many errors and obviously there are many many games/box variations still to add.





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