Dear Editor,

Regarding Michelle Goldberg's review of Swervedriver's album 99th Dream.

I can understand if your reviewer did not like the album 99th dream.
Differences in opinion make the world go 'round.

However, it may be more professional in future for your organisation to
appoint reviewers who are at least broadly interested in the type of
music they are reviewing. This may produce a more objective review and
therefore might be taken more seriously by the people who matter. The
attitudes prevalent in this review show a lack of respect to both
musicians and fans as well as a general lack of musical integrity.

I do not like rap music and therefore would not review a new album of
that genre. It may be the best thing ever, but I'm not going to
understand it and rap fans aren't interested in my "overblown
guitar-geek noise" opinions.

Tim Phillips
Adelaide, Australia
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