Good question, if anyone has any idea in this, I'll be interested too !
Cheers !

On 7/6/06, Martin Wood < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there an (easy) way to declare an array using the simple dialect?

OR, maybe what i need to ask is this :

Do tags that arent specifically part of the simple dialect get passed through
the transform or are they discarded?

From flash I created a swf with a simple array declaration and generated the
xml from swfmills swf2xml command. So I can see the tag structure needed to
generate array data myself, but do this mean I have to create the whole movie
definition using the basic dialect if i want to combine data and assets?

I already have my main movie structure worked out in simple dialect but I cant
figure out how to use the data declaration with this structure, either using the
data in simple dialect or translating my movie into basic dialect..

I have worked out a solution for now which works in a few stages, first the
array data xml file is generated and i do

swfmill xml2swf data.xml data.swf

then i have a simple dialect xml file which imports this data swf and places it
on stage, along with the other assets i need.

while this way works, i would prefer to streamline the solution to just
generating the xml file and then running swfmill once.

i hope im making sense.. :)

any ideas are welcome..



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