
Just wanted to let you know that I have managed to import MP3s! :)
I created a new <sound> tag with the same format as <clip>:

<sound id="walkThisWay_snd" import="Walk This Way.mp3"/>

The sound is exported for use with ActionScript:

var walk:Sound = new Sound();

I have tested it with a couple of MP3s of different sizes and
everything seems to be working just fine.

What I don't know is how to modify the make script in order to add a
new source file swf_import_mp3.cpp (so far my code is in
swft_import_jpeg.cpp which is just not right).

I also want to know what to do now, do I send someone my code for
review? upload it to the svn?
I'm working in a Macbook Pro (intel processor), with Mac OS X 10.4.7
(had a hard time compiling until I found this page:
I'm still working with the sources downloaded from the main page
instead of the ones from svn because I couldn't run configure with
those (as you can probably tell, I have never compiled using configure
and make before).

Thanks for all the help.


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