"Steve Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 13:55:45 +0100):

  > Well, I at least got the DefineTextInfo tag sorted out (which MM
  > actually call CSMTextSettings) in swfmill-ll syntax
  > (http://swfmill.org/trac/changeset/158) and basic syntax shouldn't be
  > too hard to add.

cool, i'll check it out...

  > DefineFontInfo3 and DefineFont3 are complex beasts which contain
  > hinting information for font glyph pairs. I wouldn't even know where
  > to start with this.

i suppose you mean kerning, not hinting? kerning was/is already supported with 
DefineFont2, it was simply unused by the FlashIDE until flash8. the late 
players seem to interpret it fine (see http://0xdf.com/?p=50 ). So unless it's 
really "hinting", DefineFont3 would be interesting only for swf2xml magic. I 
wouldn't know where to get hinting info from-- TTF supposedly contains a 
turing-complete hinting language, which is patent-encumbered. i doubt flash 
supports much like that (tho i might be mistaken).

Personally, i'd be fine with the current (minimal) DefineFontInfo3/DefineFont3 
support. It means those tags can be imported fine, and that should be what 
matters most. But then again, i'd personally be fine without any flash8 tags 
(it would decrease me having to resort to wine :)...

if anyone requires swfmill to fully understand those tags, please at least come 
up with a usage scenario :)



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