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>> hi everyone. i think i know the problem. i adressed the
>> "invisible" svg in a post in september. the shapes are probably
>> invisible because they are converted to white and transparent.
>> swfmill accepts only inkscape type styling with style attributes:
>>  <path style="fill:#000000" .../>
autotrace generates the swf exactly in this way ... additionally that
does not explain the filesize of  70bytes even invisible clips need memory
the main difference is that there are no namespaces defined and no
metadata included

*autotrace result *
- - after inserting the headers from another inkscape the content was
imported but with many mistakes.
- - after opening the file and saving in inkscape (so the headers were
corrected) the import went well

the only changes inksacpe made were adding attributes to the svg tag,
adding the defs tag and adding the sodipodi:namedview tag

*with the tiger.svg i acieved the following results

*- after importing in inkscape and exporting noting was visible but
inkscape crearted several import errors
- - after ungrouping and converting to path the vector information was
imported correctly baut the some colors were not transformed properly
    - named colors are wron converted
    - short colors like #fcc or "white" were imported wrong

the conversions inkscape did were
    - adding the headers as above
    - removing tht g's around the path tags
    - converting style infos (see examples below)
        - style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172" >>
        - style="fill: #cccccc" >> style="fill:#ccc"

i still try to find out wich changes made swiffmill crash during
potrace import.

regards Martin
>> if you generated your svg with another program, it is likely all
>> normal attributes: <path fill="#000000" .../>
>> smfmill won't find the style attribute, and will convert the
>> style to white and fully transparent.
>> as a workaround, you can try and run your svg files through
>> inkscape (i.e. load and them save again with inkscape). afaik
>> inkscape will then apply the style attribute, making the shapes
>> convertible with swfmill.
>> this was the earlier post:
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