On Wed, 28 Feb 2007, Ian Thomas wrote:

> Don't know what you're talking about with SVG there, Christopher. If
> swfmill imported SVG, AS still couldn't access the control points and
> vertices, AFAICS.
> Ian

What about the second question then?  Is there something I can store
vectors as that the AS can access the controls point and vertices with?

> On 2/28/07, Christopher Brian Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Okay since everyone seems religiously opposed to making bug-free SVG
> > importing in swfmill are there any other vector formats that swfmill
> > recognizes that allow AS running withing the flash to access the control
> > points and vertcies of the vector objects?
> >
> > While AS can use the drawing primitives to draw into movieClips there's
> > no way to change control points or make use of frames when done this way
> > (except to redraw the shape in the movieClip each time).
> >
> > What does a vecotr object drawn in flash proper come out as in smfmill's
> > XML output?
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|  Christopher BRIAN Jack aka "Gau of the Veldt"  |
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