On 3/5/07, daniel fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Mark Winterhalder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on Mon, 5 Mar 2007 11:59:24 +0100):
>   > swfmill: error while loading shared libraries: libswft.so.0: cannot
>   > open shared object file: No such file or directory
> hum, did "make install" install a libswft.so[.0[.0.0]]? it should've.

Oh. Yes, it was hiding in /usr/local/lib/, which indeed wasn't in my
library path yet... *cough*

> if it indeed did, try adding the path (likely /usr/local) to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 
> if that works, there's still sth wrong with your setup. running "ldconfig" 
> once (as root) might help, but i'm unsure.

Added it to /etc/env.d/... hmm... that's probably where my haXe and
neko env vars would rather live instead of .bashrc... will do that
when I'm back from the party (Gabl's 30th, she happens to live across
the street from me now, btw. I guess I'll see some other Weimar ppl

> greetings from (sunny :P ) barcelona.

Grrrr... :|

That explains you lack of online presence. I jabbered you because this:
> http://0xDF.com/
is giving me a DB error.

Thanks and enjoy Barcelona,


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