Hi there!
I'm also having issues with some gradients (these gradients could be called
'advanced gradients' and are the consequence of moving the 'focal point'
you'll see here : http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/8/main/00000474.html#71556),
I didn't apply the patch you sent, but I've attached to this mail a very
simple SWF file that SwfMill won't handle so it may help you...

Here are the errors that come up :

WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x13
WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x94
WARNING: unknown fill style type 0x14
WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xBF
WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xE4
WARNING: unknown fill style type 0xE0
WARNING: end of tag DefineShape5 is @173, should be @160



On 6/14/07, Ralf Fuest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Roxlu,
I wrote a patch that should fix your gradient problem. I still noticed a
bug while using it, but I think it was caused by the new svg code, I'll
have to look into this later.

This patch also replaces a old patch I wrote some time ago, called
filters.patch, so make sure this isn't applied when you or someone else
wants to try it.


PS: I've asked Dan for SVN access, so I hope there will be an updated
SVN version soon.

> Hello Roxlu,
> I noticed that there is a error in the handling of gradients while I was
> writing my svg patch. But I didn't have time to fix it yet and I wasn't
> sure if the error is inside the swf read or write code (or both).
> Which type of gradient did you use? I only experienced a error while
> using a stroke with a gradient and not a fill gradient.
> Did you create the gradient in the original Flash IDE? If you did, it
> would be good if you can send me this file, because I need a correct
> reference swf to locate the error and I'm not sure if my swfs containing
> gradients made with swfmill are 100% correct.
> Ralf
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> > I'm using FlashDevelop which uses swfmill to create the swf files.
> > Though when I create a gradient in
> > Flash I get an error like:
> >
> > swfmill WARNING: end of tag DefineShape is @, should be @
> >
> >
> > Does someone knows if there is a fix for this? If not where in the
> > of swfmill do I need to look to fix it myself?
> >
> > Gr. Roxlu

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Attachment: buggy-gradient.swf
Description: application/shockwave-flash

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