Hello all,

I'm writing a script to wrap a swf file around another
swf using the natural entry point method, but I'm
having some problems getting it working on CentOS
(works fine on Windows).

Here's my xml file --

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<movie width="1000" height="600" framerate="30">
        <background color="#ffffff"/>
        <clip import="/my/dir/app.swf" />
                        <clip id="Application" class="Application" />
                        <clip id="Presentation"
import="/my/dir/presentation.swf" />
            <place id="Application" name="app" x="0" y="0"
depth="1000" />

I compiled from the latest stable source on CentOS and
ran the following commands --

/usr/local/bin/swfmill simple /my/dir/nep.xml

But all I got was a whole bunch of this...

XPath error : Undefined variable
compilation error: element Symbol
Attribute template name: failed to compile $linkage-id
XPath error : Undefined variable
compilation error: element Symbol
Attribute template name: failed to compile $method
XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
svg:flowRegion/svg:rect/@x * 20

Any idea what might be wrong?


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