I have an ecard site. Part of that site allows users to enter their
own message which then appears within a flash SWF file.

This is an example page:


And this is the example HTML that is used to display the SWF file
using SWFObject:

<div id="swfcontainer">
    <div id="myContent"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var flashvars = {
          txtVar01: "What you type, appears in bouncing letters. Click
in the dark box at any time to change the text effect",
          txtVar02: "",
          txtVar03: "",
          txtVar04: ""
        var params = {
          wmode: "opaque",
          menu: "false"
        var attributes = {
          id: "myDynamicContent",
          name: "myDynamicContent"

make_your_own_text.swf", "myContent", "800", "600",
"9.0.0","expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);

When users enter their own text, they have to submit a form, to send
the textarea contents back to the page, so that the flash content can
be updated.

I'd prefer to do this immediately, i.e. as you type in the textarea
box, the flash updates right away.

I can see that one way this could be done is by using AJAX, but I'm
not sure how to go about it, and would appreciate some advice if
possible please.

In this case, I'm not needing to connect to a database - just update a
region of the page that holds the relevant "txtVar01" value in the
SWFObject javascript.

I have done some basic work in Ajax before, using this simple example
as a starting point:


I can see on Google Advanced Search (http://www.google.co.uk/
advanced_search) something which might be what I'm after - as you type
in the query in the text box it appears in the div at the top that
says "Use the form below and your advanced search will appear here".

Anyway, apologies for the essay.

Any advice much appreciated


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