This is my first proposal to swift-corelibs, so I’m not sure how much 
flexibility we have in terms of deviating from the darwin’s original Foundation 
definitions.  That said, it’s always seemed a little screwy to me that NSTask's 
standardInput/standardOutput/standardError properties sacrifice any semblance 
of compile-time type safety by accepting id/AnyObject (which, at run time, must 
be either NSPipe or NSFileHandle, else it blows up).  If allowed, I’d like to 
take the opportunity to modernize this in the open source version of Foundation.

public class NSTask : NSObject {

    public enum IOType {
        case FileHandle(NSFileHandle)
        case Pipe(NSPipe)
    public var standardInput: NSTask.IOType?
    public var standardOutput: NSTask.IOType?
    public var standardError: NSTask.IOType?



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