Hi all,

I'm attempting to implement an xml parser using (swift-3.0-PREVIEW-2). When 
compiling it requires all of the NSXMLParserDelegate functions to be 
implemented (they are optional on OSX) which I have implemented. However at run 
time none of the the delegate functions are called even though .parse() 
completes with no error.

Ie this function never gets called during the parsing.

public func parserDidStartDocument(_ parser: Foundation.NSXMLParser) {

print("Did start")


I'm currently using 0.14 of the vapor framework so I have been using 
swift-3.0-PREVIEW-2 on ubuntu and Beta 2 on OSX as these are constraints of 
using that version of the framework. The parser works fine on OSX so I'm 
thinking that maybe the NSXMLParser is not complete on swift-3.0-PREVIEW-2.

Can anyone confirm this.

Kind regards


Tim Kreger


Level 3, 473 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Vic. 3000, Australia
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