

> On Dec 9, 2016, at 4:17 PM, Joe Groff <> wrote:
>> On Dec 9, 2016, at 4:17 PM, Michael Gottesman <> wrote:
>> Are there any more concerns here? The thread has seemed to die down and I 
>> would like to begin upstreaming this code if possible.
> No, I agree with John's points. Your design sounds good.
> -Joe
>> Michael
>>> On Dec 6, 2016, at 2:23 PM, John McCall <> wrote:
>>>> On Dec 6, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Joe Groff <> wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 6, 2016, at 11:29 AM, John McCall <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Dec 6, 2016, at 10:17 AM, Joe Groff via swift-dev 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Dec 5, 2016, at 4:24 PM, Michael Gottesman via swift-dev 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>>>>> This is a proposal for 2 instructions needed to express borrowing via 
>>>>>>> SSA at the SIL level. The need for these were discovered while I was 
>>>>>>> prototyping a SIL ownership verifier.
>>>>>>> A html version of the proposal:
>>>>>>> And inline:
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> # Summary
>>>>>>> This document proposes the addition of the following new SIL 
>>>>>>> instructions:
>>>>>>> 1. `store_borrow`
>>>>>>> 2. `begin_borrow`
>>>>>>> These enable the expression of the following operations in Semantic SIL:
>>>>>>> 1. Passing an `@guaranteed` value to an `@in_guaranteed` argument 
>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>> performing a copy. (`store_borrow`)
>>>>>>> 2. Copying a field from an `@owned` aggregate without consuming or 
>>>>>>> copying the entire
>>>>>>> aggregate. (`begin_borrow`)
>>>>>>> 3. Passing an `@owned` value as an `@guaranteed` argument parameter.
>>>>>>> # Definitions
>>>>>>> ## store_borrow
>>>>>>> Define `store_borrow` as:
>>>>>>> store_borrow %x to %y : $*T
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> end_borrow %y from %x : $*T, $T
>>>>>>>   =>
>>>>>>> store %x to %y
>>>>>>> `store_borrow` is needed to convert `@guaranteed` values to 
>>>>>>> `@in_guaranteed`
>>>>>>> arguments. Without a `store_borrow`, this can only be expressed via an
>>>>>>> inefficient `copy_value` + `store` + `load` + `destroy_value` sequence:
>>>>>>> sil @g : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Foo) -> ()
>>>>>>> sil @f : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Foo) -> () {
>>>>>>> bb0(%0 : $Foo):
>>>>>>>   %1 = function_ref @g : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Foo) -> ()
>>>>>>>   %2 = alloc_stack $Foo
>>>>>>>   %3 = copy_value %0 : $Foo
>>>>>>>   store %3 to [init] %2 : $Foo
>>>>>>>   apply %1(%2) : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Foo) -> ()
>>>>>>>   %4 = load [take] %2 : $*Foo
>>>>>>>   destroy_value %4 : $Foo
>>>>>>>   dealloc_stack %2 : $Foo
>>>>>>>   ...
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> `store_borrow` allows us to express this in a more efficient and 
>>>>>>> expressive SIL:
>>>>>>> sil @f : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Foo) -> () {
>>>>>>> bb0(%0 : $Foo):
>>>>>>>   %1 = function_ref @g : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Foo) -> ()
>>>>>>>   %2 = alloc_stack $Foo
>>>>>>>   store_borrow %0 to %2 : $*T
>>>>>>>   apply %1(%2) : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Foo) -> ()
>>>>>>>   end_borrow %2 from %0 : $*T, $T
>>>>>>>   dealloc_stack %2 : $Foo
>>>>>>>   ...
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> **NOTE** Once `@in_guaranteed` arguments become passed as values, 
>>>>>>> `store_borrow`
>>>>>>> will no longer be necessary.
>>>>>>> ## begin_borrow
>>>>>>> Define a `begin_borrow` instruction as:
>>>>>>> %borrowed_x = begin_borrow %x : $T
>>>>>>> %borrow_x_field = struct_extract %borrowed_x : $T, #T.field
>>>>>>> apply %f(%borrowed_x) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed T) -> ()
>>>>>>> end_borrow %borrowed_x from %x : $T, $T
>>>>>>>   =>
>>>>>>> %x_field = struct_extract %x : $T, #T.field
>>>>>>> apply %f(%x_field) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed T) -> ()
>>>>>>> A `begin_borrow` instruction explicitly converts an `@owned` value to a
>>>>>>> `@guaranteed` value. The result of the `begin_borrow` is paired with an
>>>>>>> `end_borrow` instruction that explicitly represents the end scope of the
>>>>>>> `begin_borrow`.
>>>>>>> `begin_borrow` also allows for the explicit borrowing of an `@owned` 
>>>>>>> value for
>>>>>>> the purpose of passing the value off to an `@guaranteed` parameter.
>>>>>>> *NOTE* Alternatively, we could make it so that *_extract operations 
>>>>>>> started
>>>>>>> borrow scopes, but this would make SIL less explicit from an ownership
>>>>>>> perspective since one wouldn't be able to visually identify the first
>>>>>>> `struct_extract` in a chain of `struct_extract`. In the case of 
>>>>>>> `begin_borrow`,
>>>>>>> there is no question and it is completely explicit.
>>>>>> begin_borrow SGTM. Does end_borrow need to be explicit, or could we 
>>>>>> leave it implicit and rely on dataflow diagnostics to ensure the 
>>>>>> borrowed value's lifetime is dominated by the owner's? It seems to me 
>>>>>> like, even if end_borrow is explicit, we'd want a lifetime-shortening 
>>>>>> pass to shrinkwrap end_borrows to the precise lifetime of the borrowed 
>>>>>> value's uses.
>>>>> I definitely think it should be explicit, as Michael has it.
>>>> Would you be able to elaborate why? I suppose explicit is a more 
>>>> conservative starting point. It feels to me like making it explicit isn't 
>>>> doing much more than imposing more verification and optimization burden on 
>>>> us, but I'm probably missing something.
>>> Well, for one, that verification burden isn't unimportant.  Under 
>>> ownership, DI has to enforce things about borrowed values during the 
>>> lifetime of the borrow.  I expect that to apply to values and not just 
>>> variables.  Having lifetimes marked out explicitly should make that much 
>>> saner.
>>> It's also quite a bit easier to verify things when there's a simple nesting 
>>> property, e.g.
>>>  %1 = load_borrow %0
>>>  %2 = struct_element borrow %1, $foo
>>>  %3 = blah
>>>  end_borrow %2
>>>  end_borrow %1
>>> as opposed to tracking that uses of %2 implicitly require both %2 and %1 to 
>>> have remained borrowed.
>>> For another, it's not obvious that borrowing is a trivial operation.  If 
>>> borrowing can change representations, as it does in Rust and as we might 
>>> have to do in Swift (for tuples at least, maybe for 
>>> arrays/strings/whatever), then something needs to represent the lifetime of 
>>> that representation, and creating it for an opaque T may be non-trivial.
>>> And even if we don't need to generate code normally at begin_borrow / 
>>> end_borrow points, I can pretty easily imagine that being interesting for 
>>> extra, sanitizer-style instrumentation.
>>> John.

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