> On May 9, 2017, at 3:07 PM, Pushkar N Kulkarni via swift-dev 
> <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> In the process of debugging a bunch of consistent failures in 
> TestFoundation/TestNSURLSession, I came across a weird problem symptom in 
> this line of code 
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-foundation/blob/master/Foundation/NSURLSession/NSURLSessionTask.swift#L329>.
> internalState = .transferInProgress(transferState)
> I had a suspicion that the above modification is not taking effect, since, 
> only based on this change the didSet observer for the `internalState` 
> property triggers data transfers using libcurl. So, I simply printed the 
> property before and after the assignment. 
> print("before => \(internalState)")
> internalState = .transferInProgress(transferState)
> print("after => \(internalState)")
> Surprisingly, I don't see any change in the property value:
> before => transferReady(Foundation.URLSessionTask._TransferState(... 
> <redacted> ...))
> after  => transferReady(Foundation.URLSessionTask._TransferState(... 
> <redacted> ...))
> When I switched back to the "swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2017-04-24-a" tag on 
> all the repos (except swift-corelibs-foundation), I do not see this problem. 
> I see:
> before => transferReady(Foundation.URLSessionTask._TransferState(... 
> <redacted> ...))
> after  => transferInProgress(Foundation.URLSessionTask._TransferState(... 
> <redacted> ...))
> To put it in simple terms, the modification doesn't seem to be taking effect 
> with the current HEAD. 
> I haven't been able to isolate this problem in an independent test case. 
> However, anybody who wants to reproduce it can simply run TestFoundation 
> after enabling the URLSession tests (which have been disabled for now) in 
> TestFoundation/main.swift. 
> I did compare the `-emit-ir` outputs from the passing and failing levels. 
> There seems to be a clear difference in the way we store the new value of 
> this property. But given my limited exposure to debugging Swift compiler 
> issues, I wasn't able to progress further.  
> Can someone help us here please? Thanks. 

That sounds like a serious bug; please file it in JIRA.

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