> On Sep 5, 2017, at 9:41 PM, Slava Pestov via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> 
> wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2017, at 6:37 PM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky via swift-dev 
>> <swift-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Slava Pestov via swift-dev 
>> <swift-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>> We expect that “define your struct in C” is still the way to go for layout 
>> compatibility with other languages and systems.
>> Are there plans (however tentative) to eventually make it possible to 
>> specify the exact memory layout of a struct in Swift?
> It’s not clear what ‘exact memory layout’ means. In C, you don’t get to 
> specify the exact layout either — there are rules around alignment and 
> padding and some non-standard attributes for controlling them, but that’s not 
> quite the same thing.
>> It seems like something we will have to tackle in order for Swift to become 
>> a serious systems-level programming language.
> We do plan on documenting Swift’s struct (and tuple) layout algorithms as 
> part of ABI stability, because we will need to freeze them (at least for 
> types that cross resilience boundaries) to actually have a stable ABI. So you 
> could, with knowledge of the layout algorithm, define a struct and make 
> assumptions about it’s layout in memory, based on your knowledge of the 
> algorithm as it is implemented in the version of Swift you are using. Not 
> quite the same as explicitly specifying a layout, though.

To be exact, we need to be able to universally agree on the layout algorithm 
used for a specific struct.  That doesn't require us to only have one such 
algorithm; we can improve the struct layout algorithm in future releases as 
long as we have some way of ensuring that previously-fragile structs don't use 
the improved parts.  Since Swift libraries will need to have a minimum Swift 
"deployment target", the most obvious way to pick an algorithm woulds simply be 
to use the layout algorithm from the library's minimum Swift target version at 
the time when the struct was first made fragile.  That should be easy enough to 
record in a library's ABI description.

We could do something similar with tuples by finding the minimum target of all 
the element types, but the complexity would be less localized.  There's merit 
to keeping the tuple layout algorithm simple, especially if it lets us make 
stronger memory-model statements about tuple elements.  We also have a very 
straightforward answer to someone concerned about tuple memory layout 
efficient: just use a struct.

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