Hi Michael,

I have been doing some research on fast string matching algorithm that I 
developed recently and I spent some time testing and benchmarking the algorithm 
and it seems fine so far. It is slightly similar to the one I proposed to Swift 
3 or 4 months ago, it is doing some processing first to analyze a big block of 
text, files or whatever we give it and then it is ready for matching and 
referencing the results locations etc … I have written a C++ version here 
https://github.com/o-micron/RootsCLI <https://github.com/o-micron/RootsCLI>

This is mainly reached through some maths approximations to each word so that 
we can do some sort of hashing to it but not straight hashing … the main idea 
is to transform the word to a single double, the way this is done is by 
embedding informations about the order of the letters and the size of the word 
as a whole

The tests were made with generated file containing permutations of all possible 
words etc … 

Would like to know your opinion about it.


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