> +1. One important consideration, however, and I would love to see some input 
> from Chris Lattner or someone else who works on LLVM, is how much it would 
> complicate the grammar of the language when all possible cases are considered.

I ran this by Joe Groff on Twitter and he said it makes sense.  Would be great 
to get a comment on the list as well.  

It’s quite similar to the existing dot shorthand for static members but applies 
in a different typing context.  I may be overlooking something but I don’t 
believe there would be any complications that were not addressed there.

> On Fri, Dec 18, 2015, 8:05 AM Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On Dec 18, 2015, at 6:52 AM, Al Skipp <al_sk...@fastmail.fm 
>> <mailto:al_sk...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
>>> On 18 Dec 2015, at 03:27, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Swift currently offers dot shorthand for static members of type Self in 
>>> type contexts expecting a value of the type in question.  This is most 
>>> commonly used with enum cases.
>>> Swift does not currently offer shorthand for instance members.  Introducing 
>>> a shorthand for instance members would improve clarity and readability of 
>>> code in common cases:
>>> anArray.map{$0.anInstanceMethod()}
>>> becomes:
>>> anArray.map(.anInstanceMethod())
>>> This shorthand would work in typing contexts expecting a single argument 
>>> function.  It would allow abbreviated access to any visible instance 
>>> property getter or instance method on the type of the argument.  Of course 
>>> the return type would need to match the return type expected by the context 
>>> or a type mismatch compiler error would occur.
>>> The readability advantage is arguably small but it does exist.  The feature 
>>> also aligns very well with an existing language feature.
>>> I think it’s an interesting idea and am wondering whether others feel like 
>>> it is something worth pursuing or not.
>>> Matthew
>> I’d be interested to hear peoples thoughts regarding this proposal. I’m 
>> personally in favour, but perhaps there are potential issues with the 
>> suggestion?
>> It’s only a small visual change, but I think it is a syntactic improvement. 
>> Let’s pretend for a moment that the current syntax was:
>> anArray.map(.anInstanceMethod())
>> I’m not sure many people would argue for it to be changed to:
>> anArray.map { $0.anInstanceMethod() }
> Thanks Al.  I should have also pointed out that the syntactic advantage is a 
> bit greater in other contexts where the braces would not replace parentheses:
> struct S {
>   var predicate: String -> Bool
> }
> var s = S()
> s.predicate = { $0.hasPrefix(“abc”) }
> vs
> s.predicate = .hasPrefix(“abc”)
> It’s not a super important change, but maybe a low-hanging fruit item that 
> can improve clarity and readability.
> Matthew
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