Also, Ruby has braces, though it is generally stylistically suggested to
only use them for inline blocks ( { |x| }) and
when you don't use braces, you use even more verbose `do`/`end` syntax.

I don't know many people who have experienced a large variety (8+?) of
programming languages and prefer Python's forced indentation, but that's
just a point of style. Generally, I agree with all the stated points about
why braces are used, and Swift really seems to have been built with them in

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 9:24 PM Félix Cloutier <>

> Python started in 1990 and Ruby started in 1995. Java started in 1996; C#
> in 2000; Go in 2010. These languages all use braces and are more recent
> than Python and Ruby. ALGOL 60, where 60 stands for 1960, didn't use braces
> either.
> To me, that's basically a fashion point. Given that this doesn't seem to
> open any new possibility over what we have, I wouldn't be in favor of it.
> > Le 19 déc. 2015 à 20:39:06, Alexander Regueiro via swift-evolution <
>> a écrit :
> >
> > Has anyone considered removing braces from the Swift language? The main
> alternative would be indentation-based scoping like in Python or Ruby.
> There already seems to be a general emphasis on conciseness,  lack of
> redundancy, and a modern syntax. e.g. semicolons are not required for
> single-line statements; brackets have been removed from if/for/while
> expressions, compared to C-style syntax. So, why not go the whole way in
> breaking the C-style connection? The present syntax seems to be shunning C,
> but only slightly.
> >
> > Thoughts?
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